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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports
.- Kharkiv
Pedagogy of physical culture and sports

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Cihan H. An analysis of the relationship between critical velocity and anaerobic speed reserve with match running profile in football. - C. 353-363.
  4. Tanucan J. C. M., Garcia M. A., Bojos M. T. Housework-based exercise versus conventional exercise on health-related fitness of adolescent learners. - C. 364-373.
  5. Guntur G., Shahril M. I., Suhadi S., Kriswanto E. S., Nadzalan A. M. The influence of jumping performance and coordination on the spike ability of young volleyball athletes. - C. 374-380.
  6. Komarudin K., Suharjana S., Yudanto Y., Kusuma M. N. H. The different influence of speed, agility and aerobic capacity toward soccer skills of youth player. - C. 381-390.
  7. Saemoh F., Jeadeng M., Suwankhong D., Chinnasee C., Md Nadzalan A. The effectiveness of folk physical activity and food education programme on body mass, nutrition knowledge and consumption behaviour among overweight primary school children in Southern Thailand. - C. 391-398.
  8. Manolachi V., Chernozub A., Potop V., Zoriy Y., Kulbayev A., Braniște G., Savenko A. Increasing the functional capabilities of Mixed Martial Arts athletes in the process of optimizing different regimes of power load. - C. 399-406.
  9. Kozin O., Kozina Z., Korobeinik V. Functional readiness and properties of the nervous system peculiarities of art specialties' future teachers. - C. 407-414.
  10. Vypasniak I., Ivanyshyn I., Lutskii V., Huzak O., Yukhymuk V., Salatenko I., Svatiev A. The influence of the ethno-territorial factor on the state of physical abilities development of students of Ukrainian educational institutions. - C. 415-425.
  11. Rukavytsia V., Ivashchenko O., Khudolii O., Yermakova T., Iermakov S. Pattern recognition: the effect of exercise performance modes on the effectiveness of teaching the vault to 8-year-old boys. - C. 426-431.
  12. Information for Authors. - C. 432-432.
№ 6
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
Пам`ятка користувача

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