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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports
.- Kharkiv
Pedagogy of physical culture and sports

  1. Title.
  2. Content.
  3. Gani R. A., Setiawan E., Achmad I. Z., Aminudin R., Purbangkara T., Hofmeister M. Virtual reality-based tabata training: a professional method for changing levels physical fitness and psychological well-being on student-athletes. - C. 91-101.
  4. Megahed M., Tarek Z. Suspension training versus free weight training: effects on explosive power, dynamic balance, and discus throwers performance. - C. 102-111.
  5. Vrcić M., Pavlović R., Kovačević E., Solaković S., Hadžimuratović S. The effects of recreational cardio fitness programs on the body composition of young women. - C. 112-122.
  6. Melki H., Bouzid M. S. Teaching wrestling at school: proposal of a new pedagogical approach based on games for learning of technical moves. - C. 123-130.
  7. Ahmad Zahudi A. Z., Usman J., Abu Osman N. A. Relationship of anthropometric measurement and handgrip strength in Malaysian recreational tenpin bowlers. - C. 131-138.
  8. Juni Samodra Y. T., Suryadi D., Wati I. D. P., Supriatna E., Santika I. G. P. N. A., Suganda M. A., Dewi P. C. P. Analysis of gross motoric analysis of elementary school students: A comparative study of students in hill and coastal areas. - C. 139-145.
  9. Ahsan M., Feroz Ali M. Comparison of physiological characteristics and physical performance measures among athletes from random intermittent dynamic type sports. - C. 146-157.
  10. Adnan A., Zayed W., Bali N. The effect of exercise using auxiliary tools in learning the forehand and backhand skills of female tennis students. - C. 158-164.
  11. Garcia M. A., Canillas J. A. Blood types and fitness capability of physical education students: a non-parametric analysis. - C. 165-172.
  12. Omelchenko O., Dolbysheva N., Kovtun A., Koshcheyev A., Tolstykova T., Burdaiev K., Solodka O. Evaluation of respiratory function indicators of elite athletes in academic rowing using the method of computer spirography. - C. 173-182.
  13. Information for Authors. - C. 183.
№ 2
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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