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Physical education of students
.- Kharkiv
Physical education of students

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Belykh S. I. Structure of the concept of personality oriented physical education university students. - C. 3-10.
  4. Briskin Y. A., Pityn M. P., Zadorozhnaya O. R. Structure and content of fencers’ theoretical training. - C. 10-15.
  5. Vorfolomeeva L. A. Individualization of training process as a leading construction of skiers’ training component in preparation for higher achievements. - C. 15-19.
  6. Dudorova L. J. Conceptual approaches to vocational and tourism training of teachers in higher education institutions. - C. 19-23.
  7. Emshanova Y. O. Comparative analysis of individual peculiarities for tennis players of different qualification. - C. 23-27.
  8. Ivaskiene V. P., Skyriene V. V., Markevičius V. Z. Comparative analysis of prestart condition of students girls in Olympic and non-Olympic kinds of sport. - C. 27-31.
  9. Kedrovskiy B. G., Shalar O. G., Grinevich A. V. Understanding of coaches with young athletes. - C. 31-35.
  10. Kovaleva M. V., Rumba O. G. Active games in physical education students of special medical group with limited capacity of cardiovascular system. - C. 35-46.
  11. Kramida I. E. Exercises for students of different medical groups as factors of the weakening bad habits at students. - C. 46-51.
  12. Kugayevskiy S. O. Innovative ways of special endurance of skaters in the competition period. - C. 51-55.
  13. Latyshev S. V. The development of assessment scales of physical training of wrestlers at the stage of basic specialized training. - C. 55-59.
  14. Lyulina N. V., Zakharova L. V., Vetrova I. V. Effect of complex acrobatic elements in the development of physical skills of preschool children. - C. 59-63.
  15. Muntian V. S. Definition of biomechanical parameters of technical actions in the martial arts. - C. 63-68.
  16. Pashkevich L. P. A structure of morbidity and prevalence of illnesses of the respiratory system in Ukraine. - C. 68-72.
  17. Roters T. T. Physical improvement of students during interactive physical and aesthetic education. - C. 72-77.
  18. Sergienko V. N. Evaluation of integrated testing the maximum force of students aged 17-20 years. - C. 77-82.
  19. Sobko I. N. Characteristics of competitive activity of qualified basketball with hearing impairment compare to qualified healthy basketball player. - C. 82-87.
  20. Tyshchenko V. A. Research of the role of self-consciousness on the efficiency of sportsmen rehabilitation. - C. 87-92.
  21. Tropin Y. M. Comparative analysis of technical and tactical preparedness Greco-Roman style wrestler at the Olympic Games-2008 and the Olympic Games-2012.. - C. 92-97.
  22. Hefzollesan M., Ghalehgir S., Ekrami M. The effect of 36 hours sleep deprivation on dribbling skills of soccer players. - C. 97-101.
  23. Benar N., Behrozi A., Sadeghi M. M., Mohammadi M., Yosefi M. The consideration of attitude and motives relative to leisure time activities in students of Guilan University, Iran. - C. 101-107.
  24. Submission of manuscripts. - C. 108.
№ 4
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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