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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=EJ000041/2017/4<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Physical education of students
.- Kharkiv
Physical education of students

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Alpaslan Gorucu, Bekır Tokay, Adela Badau The effects of three different type of exercises on aerobic and anaerobic power. - C. 152-157.
  4. Badau Adela Study of somatic, motor and functional effects of practicing initiation programs in water gymnastics and swimming by students of physical education and sports. - C. 158-164.
  5. Kolumbet A. N., Dudorova L. Y., Babina N. A., Bazulyuk T. A., Chernovsky S. M. Modeling of kayak athletes’ competition activity. - C. 165-170.
  6. Mehmet Soyal, Selcen Korkmaz Eryılmaz, Metin Polat, Sami Aydoğan Comparison of maximal oxygen uptake and anaerobic threshold in soccer and handball players. - C. 171-175.
  7. Osipov A. Yu., Kudryavtsev M. D., Iermakov S. S., Yanova M. G., Lepilina T. V., Plotnikova I. I., Dorzhieva O. S. Comparative analysis of effectiveness of some students’ physical culture training methodic. - C. 176-181.
  8. Podrigalo L. V., Volodchenko A. A., Rovnaya O. A., Stankiewicz B. Analysis of martial arts athletes’ goniometric indicators. - C. 182-188.
  9. Polevoy G. G. Training of motor rhythm in students, practicing football. - C. 189-192.
  10. Zuzda Jolanta Grażyna, Latosiewicz Robert, Augustyńska Beata Risk assessment and level of physical activity of students in Poland. - C. 193-199.
  11. Submission of manuscripts. - C. 200.
№ 4
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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