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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Physical education of students
.- Kharkiv
Physical education of students

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Akgül M. H., Karafil A. Y. Examining the relationship between religious perception and psychological well-being levels of university football players. - C. 48-53.
  4. Limanskaya O., Kriventsova I., Altukhov V., Yermakova T., Jagiello W., Iermakov S., Vypasniak I., Lisovskyi B. The development of female students’ flexibility engaged in choreography. - C. 54-63.
  5. Akatan A., Kılıç M., Baştürk Z., Embiyaoğlu N. M. Determining university students’ cognitive structures and alternative concepts on striated muscle by word association test. - C. 64-80.
  6. Garcia M. A., Hernani M. R. A., Canillas J. A., Jaluague J. A., Pacquiao K. S., Medillo D. H. B. Exercise typologies of university students amidst COVID – 19 pandemic. - C. 81-88.
  7. Blonska K. The impact of physical activity on students’ happiness in the context of positive and negative motivation. - C. 89-97.
  8. Pasek M., Mytskan T. Outdoor and indoor sports preferences of students in relation to their pro-environmental behaviour. - C. 98-104.
  9. Information for Authors. - C. 105.
№ 2
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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