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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Physical education of students
.- Kharkiv
Physical education of students

  1. Title.
  2. Content.
  3. Lobo J. Lecture-based performance augmentation via game-based appli-cation ‘Kahoot!’ in Physical Education: a 5-week experimental study. - C. 4-9.
  4. Sefotha C., Beckett C., Ferreira S., Smith L. Relationship between 2d:4d ratio, handgrip strength, and ham-string muscle length in different sports: a study of volleyball, foot-ball and basketball branches. - C. 10-16.
  5. Kurtoğlu A., Çiftçi R. Investigation of different training methods integrated into soccer training on body composition and athletic performance. - C. 17-23.
  6. Bautista C., De Dios D. A., Lobo J. The Nexus between individual interest and school engagement in bolstering Physical Culture for a habitual healthy régime: a case of a state university. - C. 24-35.
  7. Hacıcaferoğlu S., Tanyeri L., Emniyet O. T. Investigation of the effect of courage behaviors on endurance levels of canoe athletes. - C. 36-44.
  8. Kahraman M. Z., Arslan E. The relationship between body composition and biomotor per-formance parameters in U18 football players. - C. 45-52.
  9. Information for Authors. - C. 53.
№ 1
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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