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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=EJ000041/2023/4<.>)
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Physical education of students
.- Kharkiv
Physical education of students

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Temel A., Aydoğmuş M., Tükel Y., Atılgan D. Examining the Learning Styles and Academic Success Motivations of Prospective Students Who will Take a Physical Education Special Skill Exam Based on a Few Parameters. - C. 144-155.
  4. Bougherra A., Hamlaoui A., Lebchiri A. Defining the standard levels of spontaneous cognitive flexibility among master’s students. - C. 156-161.
  5. Çabuk B., Demirarar O., Cin M., Çabuk R., Özçaldıran B. The success of critical velocity protocol on predicting 10000 meters running performance. - C. 162-168.
  6. Süngü B., Demir Sarıipek A. Investigation of the relationship between physical activity level and meaning in life of university students. - C. 169-176.
  7. Başkaya G., Bostancı S., Çar B., Konar N. The impact of athletics basic education on students' motor skills and attitude toward athletics. - C. 177-189.
  8. Erol M., Kapelman A., Kizilet A. The relationship of player load and anaerobic performance in different football playing strategies. - C. 190-200.
  9. Potop V., Ciorbă C., Mihaila I., Mihai I., Mihailescu L., Acsinte A. Carrying out the methodological approach of the scientific research in the Physical Education and Sport Science field. - C. 201-211.
  10. Piatysotska S., Podrіgalo L., Romanenko V., Zhernovnikova Y., Dolgopolova N., Yefremenko A. Comparative analysis of motor functional asymmetry indicators in athletes of cyclic sports, martial arts, and esports. - C. 212-220.
  11. Information for Authors. - C. 221.
№ 4
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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