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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Physical education of students
.- Kharkiv
Physical education of students

  1. Title.
  2. Content.
  3. Bojkowski Ł., Kłoda D. Personality determinants of goal orientation in elite long-distance and mountain runners. - C. 52-56.
  4. Bronikowska M., Bronikowski M. The association between the years and modes of sports training and levels of moral competence across eleven sports. - C. 57-69.
  5. Tüzer B., Demirel H. Participation motivation in disabled athletes. - C. 70-77.
  6. Azor S., Marko M., Adamčák Š., Bartik P. Harmonizing musculoskeletal health: transformative effects of 8-week intervention program on posture in music students. - C. 78-84.
  7. Leuciuc F., Pricop G. The perception on physical activity among students. - C. 85-89.
  8. Aydın Ö., Doğan E., Sevilmiş E., Sağlam Ç. K. Examining the effects of attention and concentration levels on reaction time in fencing. - C. 90-96.
  9. Kabasakal S. A., Çelik E., Güvendi B., Keskin B. Kinesiophobia, exercise addiction and mindfulness in athletes. - C. 97-105.
  10. Potop V., Mihailescu L., Mahaila I., Zawadka-Kunikowska M., Jagiello W., Chernozub A., Baican M., Timnea O., Ene-Voiculescu C., Ascinte A. Applied biomechanics within the Kinesiology discipline in higher education. - C. 106-119.
  11. Pryimakov O., Sawczuk M., Prysiazhniuk S., Korobeynikov G., Mazurok N. Interaction of integral parameters of physical state and biological age of students aged 17-19 years old in the process of adaptation to standard and experimental physical education programs. - C. 120-133.
  12. Information for Authors. - C. 134.
№ 2
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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