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Proceedings of the International Conference Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties
.- Sumy

  1. Title.
  2. Content.
  3. Nanomaterials for Energy Applications

  4. Shulga Yu. M., Michtchenko A., Baskakov S. A., Abalyaeva V. V., Efimov O. N., Shulga N. Y., Cabanas-Moreno J. G., Lartundo-Rojas L., Moreno-Rojas L. A. Composite Material for Supercapacitors Formed by Polymerization of Aniline in the Presence of Graphene Oxide Nanosheets. - C. 04NEA01-04NEA01.
  5. Sehin M. Ya., Tkachuk A. I. Thermodynamic Parameters of the Intercalation Reaction in Thermal and Laser Modified Nanodispersed Anatase. - C. 04NEA02-04NEA02.
  6. Ptitsin V. E. New Thermal Field Electron Emission Energy Conversion Method. - C. 04NEA03-04NEA03.
  7. Banerjee D., Dhara P., Chatterjee K., Kargupta K., Ganguly S. Thermoelectric Characterization of Nanostructures of Bismuth Prepared by Solvothermal Approach. - C. 04NEA04-04NEA04.
  8. Moradifar P., Bahman-Nezhad B., Abdorahim M., Darvish S., Asgari S. The SiC/SiO Nanostructured Core-Shell as Anode Material for Lithium Ion Batteries: Synthesis and HRTEM Characterization. - C. 04NEA05-04NEA05.
  9. Mokrinskaya E. V., Tonkopieva L. S., Studzinsky S. L., Davidenko N. A., Davidenko I. I., Ishchenko A. A., Grabchuk G. P. Internal Photoeffect in Films of Poly-N-epoxypropylcarbazole with High Concentration of Anion Polymethinine Dye. - C. 04NEA06-04NEA06.
  10. Kim K.-B., Kim J.-G., Kim H.-K., Jegal J.-P., Kim K.-H., Kim J.-Y., Park S.-H. Nanocomposites of Reduced Graphene Oxide for Energy Storage Applications. - C. 04NEA07-04NEA07.
  11. Hamadanian Khozani M., Reisi-Vanani A., Razi P., Hoseinifard S. Study of Photocatalytic Behavior of Photochemical Doped TiO2 Nanoparticles with In-V Synthesized by Sol-gel and Hydrothermal Methods. - C. 04NEA08-04NEA08.
  12. Ganguly S., Banerjee D., Kargupta K. Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials for New and Sustainable Energy Engineering. - C. 04NEA09-04NEA09.
  13. Peckus D., Devižis A., Hertel D., Gulbinas V. Excited State Relaxation in Vacuum Deposited and Solution Processed Films of Merocyanine/Fulerene Blends. - C. 04NEA10-04NEA10.
  14. Loni E., Zolriasatein A., Shokuhfar A. Synthesis of Novel Nanoparticles by Using "Europium Instead of Indium in the Conventional CIS Composition for Photovoltaic Application. - C. 04NEA11-04NEA11.
  15. Studzinsky S. L., Tonkopieva L. S., Davidenko N. A., Davidenko I. I., Ishchenko A. A., Kostenko L. I., Ankin A. N., Mokrinskaya E. V. Photoconductive Composite Films Based on Cobalt (II) and Nickel (II) Organic Salts Doped with Polymethine Dyes. - C. 04NEA12-04NEA12.
  16. Skubenko N. A., Zhirko Yu. I., Boledzyuk V. B., Kovalyuk Z. D. Optical Properties of Layered GaSe Crystals Intercalated with Hydrogen-Containing Molecules of Toluene, Water and Alcohol. - C. 04NEA13-04NEA13.
  17. Ilkiv B. I., Petrovska S., Sergiienko R., Zaulychnyy Ya. V. X-ray Spectral Investigation of Carbon Nanoshells. - C. 04NEA14-04NEA14.
  18. Khovaylo V., Usenko A., Gorshenkov M., Kaloshkin S. Optimization of Ball-Milling Process for Preparation of Si-Ge Nanostructured Thermoelectric Materials. - C. 04NEA15-04NEA15.
  19. Magnetic Fine Particles, Nanomagnetism

  20. Boltaev A. P., Sherstnev I. A., Pudonin F. A. Multilayered Structures from Periodically Alternating Magnetic Island Layers: Magnetization Processes and Magnetoresistance. - C. 04MFPN01-04MFPN01.
  21. Lavrynenko O. M., Dudchenko N., Brik A. B. Magnetic Properties of the Cobalt Ferrous Spinel Ferrite Nanoparticles Formed on the Steel Surface Contacting with Cobalt Chloride Water Solutions in Open-air System. - C. 04MFPN02-04MFPN02.
  22. Mikheenko I., Mikheenko P., Jenkins P., Attard G. A., Macaskie L. E., Johansen T. H. Visualization of Spin Polarized States in Biologically-Produced Ensembles of Ferromagnetic Palladium Nanoparticles. - C. 04MFPN03-04MFPN03.
  23. Creamer N. J., Macaskie L. E., Mikheenko P., Mikheenko I. P., Cottrell S. P., Williams A. R. Observation of the Curie Transition in Palladium Bionanomaterial Using Muon Spin Rotation Spectroscopy. - C. 04MFPN04-04MFPN04.
  24. Lyutyy T. V., Polyakov A. Yu., Denisov S., Hänggi P. Technique of the Fast Ferrofluids Simulation. - C. 04MFPN05-04MFPN05.
  25. Bukharaev A. A., Nurgazizov N. I., Biziaev D. A., Chuklanov A. P., Khanipov T. F. Current-Induced Phase Transition in Ni Nanowires. - C. 04MFPN06-04MFPN06.
  26. Rafati A. A., Najafi M., Khorshidi M. Synthesis and Characterization of Co1-xSnx Magnetic Nanowires. - C. 04MFPN07-04MFPN07.
  27. Rafati A. A., Najafi M., Zare A. Effect of Electrodeposition Frequency on Magnetic Properties of (Co0.97Al0.03)0.7Fe0.3 Nanowires. - C. 04MFPN08-04MFPN08.
  28. Najafi M., Rastegar Barmachi N., Soltanian S., Alemipour Z., Aftabi A. The Effect of Diameter and Thermal Treatment on Magnetic Properties of Co1-xZnx Alloy Nanowires. - C. 04MFPN09-04MFPN09.
  29. Najafi M., Hayati F., Rafati A. Effect of Current Frequency and Annealing on Magnetic Properties of. - C. 97Sn3 Nanowire Arrays.
  30. Hauet T., Sediri A., Piraux L., Antohe V. A., Abreu Araujo F., Hehn M., Lacour D., Mangin S. Magnetic Behavior of Co/Pt and TbCo Nanocaps Assembly for Bit Pattern Media. - C. 04MFPN11-04MFPN11.
  31. Tejada J., Velez S., Zarzuela R. Quantum Nanomagnetism. - C. 04MFPN12-04MFPN12.
  32. Denisov S., Babych H., Denisova L., Peredriy Ye. Effective Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert Equation for a Conducting Nanoparticle. - C. 04MFPN13-04MFPN13.
  33. Mozul K., Ishchenko A., Kryshtal’ A. P., Ol'khovik L. P., Sizova Z. I. Magnetic Anisotropy of Ultra-Small Nanocrystals of CoFe2O4. - C. 04MFPN14-04MFPN14.
  34. Denisov S., Reva V. V., Bondar O. O. Generalized Fokker-Planck Equation for the Nanoparticle Magnetic Moment Driven by Poisson White Noise. - C. 04MFPN15-04MFPN15.
  35. Denisov S. I., Lyutyy T. V., Binns C., Polyakov A. Yu. Power Loss of the Nanoparticle Magnetic Moment in Alternating Fields. - C. 04MFPN16-04MFPN16.
  36. Denisov S. I., Kantz H., Bystrik Yu. S. Numerical Simulation of Decoupled Continuous-Time Random Walks with Superheavy-Tailed Waiting Time Distributions. - C. 04MFPN17-04MFPN17.
  37. Zlenko V. A., Demydenko M. G., Protsenko S. I. Synthesis and Magneto-optical Properties of Co Nanoparticle Arrays. - C. 04MFPN18-04MFPN18.
  38. Plasma and Ion Technologies for Surface Engineering

  39. Baranov O. Control of ion density distribution by use of magnetic traps for plasma electrons. - C. 04PITSE01-04PITSE01.
  40. Grigonis A., Marcinauskas L., Carnauskas M., Kaliasas R. Graphite Nanostructures Produce in the Acetilene, Argon-Acetylene and Argon-Hydrogen-Acetylene Plasmas. - C. 04PITSE02-04PITSE02.
  41. Gorjanc M., Simončič B., Vasiljević J., Vesel A., Mozetic M. Plasma and Sol-Gel Technology for Creating Nanostructured Surfaces of Fibrous Polymers. - C. 04PITSE03-04PITSE03.
  42. Solodovnyk A. N., Chen Q., Li W., Fei F. Involving Low-Pressure Plasma for Surface Pre-Treatment and Post Print Sintering of Silver Tracks on Polymer Substrates. - C. 04PITSE04-04PITSE04.
  43. Zamchiy A. O., Khmel’ S. Ya., Baranov E. A. Influence of Substrate Temperature on the Optical Properties and the Deposition rate of Amorphous Silicon Films. - C. 04PITSE05-04PITSE05.
  44. Gusevik P. S., Ryabtsev S. I., Bashev V. F., Dotsenko F. F. Phase Composition and Physical Properties of the MnBiCr Films, Obtained by Ion-plasma Sputtering. - C. 04PITSE06-04PITSE06.
  45. Kalinichenko A. I., Strel'nitskij V. E., Vasyliev V. V. Characteristics of DLC Coating Prepared by Pulse Biasing: Analysis in Model of Thermoelastic Peak of Ion. - C. 04PITSE07-04PITSE07.
  46. Shustin E. G., Isaev N. V., Klykov I. L., Peskov V. V. Plasma Processing Reactor on a Base of Beam Plasma Discharge for Producing and Processing Nanomaterials. - C. 04PITSE08-04PITSE08.
  47. Petrov A., Alexandrov A., Kralkina E., Nekliudova P., Vavilin K., Pavlov V. Advanced Ion and Plasma Sources for Materials Surface Engineering. - C. 04PITSE09-04PITSE09.
  48. Tuckute S., Pranevičius L. L. Separation of Hydrogen from Water Molecules by Ion Implantation into Thin Ti Films. - C. 04PITSE10-04PITSE10.
  49. Solovyova A. E. Simulation of the Mechanism of Defect Structure Formation in Polycrystalline Indium Oxide Under Ion Irradiation. - C. 04PITSE11-04PITSE11.
  50. Alontseva D. L., Krasavin A. L., Kolesnikova T. A., Pogrebnjak A. D., Russakova A. V. Computer Simulation of Temperature Profiles for E-beam Modification of Ni- Based Plasma Detonation Coatings. - C. 04PITSE12-04PITSE12.
  51. Radiation Effects in Solids

  52. Mikolutskiy S. I., Yamschikov V. A., Khomich V. Yu., Shmakov V. A. Model of Nanostructure Formation on Solid Surface Melted by Laser Pulse. - C. 04RES01-04RES01.
  53. Sosnowski J. Influence of Radiation Induced Nano-defects on Critical Current of HTc Superconductors. - C. 04RES02-04RES02.
  54. Kryuchkov S. V., Konchenkov V. I., Zav'yalov D. V. The Appearance of Transverse Current in the Graphene Superlattice under the Influence of Elliptically Polarized Wave. - C. 04RES03-04RES03.
  55. Seminko V. V., Malyukin Yu. V., Masalov A. A. Spectroscopically Detected Segregation of Pr3+ Ions in Y2SiO5 Nanocrystals. - C. 04RES04-04RES04.
  56. Kukhar E. I., Kryuchkov S. V. Constant Electric Field Influence on the Rectification of the Transversal Current Induced by the Sinusoidal and Cnoidal Electromagnetic Waves in Graphene Superlattice. - C. 04RES05-04RES05.
  57. Maksimchuk P., Masalov A., Seminko V., Malyukin Yu. Formation of Luminescence Centers in Oxygen-Deficient Cerium Oxide Nanocrystals. - C. 04RES06-04RES06.
  58. Kuprin A. S., Tolmachova G. N., Belous V. A., Lomino N. S., Ovcharenko V. D., Reshetnyak E. N., Morozov O. M., Zhurba V. I. Influence of Deuterium Ion Implantation on the Structure and Hardness of Nanocrystalline Films. - C. 04RES07-04RES07.
  59. Vlasukova L., Komarov F., Milchanin O., Parkhomenko I., Zuk J. Structural Peculiarities of A3B5 Nanocrystals Created in Si by Ion-Beam Synthesis. - C. 04RES08-04RES08.
  60. Oliinyk O. V., Tatarenko V. A., Park Y. B., Selyshchev P. O. Influence of Fluctuations of the Point-Defects’ Generation Rate and Inhomogeneity of Irradiated F.C.C. Crystal on the Temperature Dependence of the Dissipative-Structure Period in a Spatial Distribution of Radiation Vacancies. - C. 04RES09-04RES09.
  61. Durak R., Ateş A., Turhan M. F., Sağlam M. Measurements of Radiative Vacancy Transfer Probabilities for Some Elements Irradiated with Photons of 0.0208 Nanometer Wavelengths. - C. 04RES10-04RES10.
  62. Functional Coating, Nanoparticles Functionalization

  63. Domenici V., Dolci S., Pampaloni G., Jaglicic Z. New Ultra Small Iron-Oxide Nanoparticles with Titanium-Carbamate Coating: Preparation and Magnetic Properties. - C. 04FCNF01-04FCNF01.
  64. Ovcharenko A. P., Bilozertseva V. I., Tranh D. T., Gaman D. A., Khlyap H. M. New Aspects of Design of Wide-Band Interference Coatings Based on Six-Layer Period. - C. 04FCNF02-04FCNF02.
  65. Matulis V. E., Mazheika A. S., Ivashkevich O. A. Theoretical Investigation of Interaction of 1-R-5-Mercaptotetrazoles with Silver and Palladium Particles. - C. 04FCNF03-04FCNF03.
  66. Dolgikh O. V., Sotskaya N. V., Sapronova L. V. Electrochemical Behavior of Electrodeposited Ni-P Coatings in Acidic Solutions. - C. 04FCNF04-04FCNF04.
  67. Prozorova M. S., Kolisnishenko O. V., Kovaleva M. G., Arseenko M. Yu., Tyurin Yu. N. Structure and the Physico-Mechanical Properties of the Ceramic Coatings Obtained by the Cumulative -Detonation Device. - C. 04FCNF05-04FCNF05.
  68. Dimitriev O., Petrenko V., Slominski Yu., Mazarchyk I. Formation of J-aggregates of Thiamonomethincyanine Dyes in the Presence of CdTe Nanoparticles. - C. 04FCNF06-04FCNF06.
  69. Shevchuk O. M., Chobit M. R., Bukartyk N. M., Tokarev V. S. Synthesis of Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles with Initiating Centers in Polymer Shell. - C. 04FCNF07-04FCNF07.
  70. Bondar I. V., Han D. H., Cho H. K. Synthesis of Nanocomposite Adsorbent on the Base of Polypropylene Fabric with Copper Ferrocyanide Grains. - C. 04FCNF08-04FCNF08.
  71. New Materials in Electrical Engineering and Electronics

  72. Mokhtari B., Pourabdollah K. Voltammetric Behavior of Nano-basket Complexes. - C. 04NMEEE01-04NMEEE01.
  73. Lutsyk V. I., Vorob’eva V. P. Reasons for Contradiction of T-x-y Diagram Au-Bi-Sb. - C. 04NMEEE02-04NMEEE02.
  74. Rodlovskaya E. N., Izmailov B. A. New Poly (Arylene Thiophenes). - C. 04NMEEE03-04NMEEE03.
  75. Kotlyarchuk A., Ragulya A., Klymenko V., Dubovitskaya N., Lobunets T., Shatskikh S. Doped Barium Titanate at Intermediate Stages of Synthesis of ВТО. - C. 04NMEEE04-04NMEEE04.
  76. Semenok D. V., Safonov S. V., Kochemirovsky V. The Technology of Laser-Induced Deposition of Nanostructured Metallic Conductors on the Dielectric Substrate. - C. 04NMEEE05-04NMEEE05.
  77. Shovkoplyas O., Lopatkin Yu., Kondratenko P. Biphenyl Molecules as Elements of Nanoelectronics in the Electric Field. - C. 04NMEEE06-04NMEEE06.
  78. Selivanov N. I., Samsonova L. G., Solodova T. A., Kopylova T. N. Photophysical Properties of Acridine in Solutions and SiO2 Thin Films. Materials for Optical Sensors.. - C. 04NMEEE07-04NMEEE07.
  79. Andrushchak A. S., Sаlаmo G. J., Kushnir O. S., Yurkevych O. V. Enhаncement of the Performаnce of Bulk and Nаnostructured. - C. 04NMEEE08-04NMEEE08.
  80. Jamil N. Yo., Ivashchenko M. M., Abdulla S. N., Muhammed A. A.K., Pogrebnjak A. D. Design and Fabrication Heterojunction Solarcell of Si-CdS-ZnO Thin Film. - C. 04NMEEE09-04NMEEE09.
Vol. 1
no. 4
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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