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"Mozilla Firefox"

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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=EJ000104/2023/1(4)<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Health technologies
.- Kharkiv
Health technologies

  1. Титул.
  2. Content.
  3. Review articles

  4. Kozina Z. L., Vasyutin O. O., Ganin V. Y., Martynenko R. O., Orobchenko D. O., Borodin B. A., Zhylin M. E. Effective, accessible and easy-to-use technologies for the integral development of motor and cognitive abilities of young football players in the modern realities of Ukraine: a review article. - C. 6-16.
  5. Original articles. Sport

  6. Sterin V. M. Innovative technique of combined use of tennis balls, rubber bands and jumping exercises in the training process of badminton players aged 14-15. - C. 17-30.
  7. Kozin V. Yu., Matlaiev V. V. Training basketball players technology of of student teams of the humanitarian profile higher education institutions . - C. 31-45.
  8. Sobko I., Shevchenko M. Divers recovery methods during the competitive period. - C. 46-55.
  9. Rahmawati A. D., Purnama S. K., Nugroho H., Riyadi S. Psychological Characteristics of Karate Martial and Pencak Silat Athletes Special Sport Class Viewed from Gender. - C. 56-64.
  10. Nugroho N. A., Purnama S. K., Riyadi S., Syaifullah R. Interaction between service exercise and gender on field tennis service skills. - C. 65-72.
№ 1(4)
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
Пам`ятка користувача

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