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Kiselov V. S. 
Simple method for SiC nanowires fabrication [Електронний ресурс] / V. S. Kiselov, O. S. Lytvyn, V. O. Yukhymchuk, A. E. Belyaev // Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics. - 2011. - Vol. 14, № 1. - С. 7-11 . - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/MSMW_2011_14_1_4
In this work, we introduce a simple and convenient approach for growing SiC nanowires (SiCNWs) directly on carbon source from graphite. The commercial SiO powder and the cheap common graphite were used as the source materials. SiCNWs have been synthesized during holding time less than 60 - 80 min at 1450 - 1500 <$E symbol Р>C by using a simple and low-cost method in an industrial furnace with a resistant heater.
Попередній перегляд:   Завантажити - 480.117 Kb    Зміст випуску    Реферативна БД     Цитування

Kiselov V. S. 
Biomorphic SiC from peas and beans [Електронний ресурс] / V. S. Kiselov, V. A. Yukhymchyk, V. I. Poludin, M. P. Tryus, A. E. Belyaev // Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics. - 2012. - Vol. 15, № 4. - С. 305-309. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/MSMW_2012_15_4_3
Biomorphic porous SiC ceramics produced by impregnation with liquid or vapor silicon of carbon matrices derived from peas (Pisum sativum L.) and beans (Phaseolus) precursors were investigated. Optical and scanning electron microscopy was used to study the structure of ceramics. It was shown that SiC ceramics made from endosperm of peas and beans seeds has inherited the alveolate structure and possesses many hierarchical pores with diameters varying between 20 to 100 <$E mu>m. Raman spectroscopy investigations showed that the 3C polytype is formed at a synthesis temperature of about <$E 1550~symbol Р roman C>, and that both 3C and 6H-SiC are formed at temperatures of about <$E 1800~symbol Р roman C>. It is shown possibilities of production of ceramic articles of various forms from seeds.
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Kiselov V. S. 
Mechanical properties of biomorphous ceramics [Електронний ресурс] / V. S. Kiselov, Yu. S. Borisov, M. Tryus, S. A. Vitusevich, S. Pud, A. E. Belyaev // Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics. - 2012. - Vol. 15, № 4. - С. 386-392. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/MSMW_2012_15_4_18
Mechanical properties: The Vickers hardness and bending strength of porous biomorphic SiC (bioSiC) ceramics fabricated from different natural hardwoods were investigated. It was been found that these parameters are highly dependent on the geometrical densities of ceramics, and Vickers hardness values can be well described using the Ryskevitch-type equation. It is shown that the data of geometrical density bioSiC ceramics can be used to estimate mechanical parameters such as bending strength. Materials with advanced properties appropriate for surgical applications are being designed. Further ways to improve the mechanical properties of ceramics and ceramic products are been discussed.
Попередній перегляд:   Завантажити - 1.152 Mb    Зміст випуску    Реферативна БД     Цитування

Kiselov V. S. 
The growth of weakly coupled graphene sheets from silicon carbide powder [Електронний ресурс] / V. S. Kiselov, P. M. Lytvyn, A. S. Nikolenko, V. V. Strelchuk, Yu. Yu. Stubrov, M. P. Tryus, A. E. Belyaev // Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics. - 2014. - Vol. 17, № 3. - С. 301-307. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/MSMW_2014_17_3_18
A simple method for production of weakly coupled graphene layers by high-temperature sublimation of polycrystalline SiC is presented. The method allows manufacturing carbon-based composite with a high content of weakly coupled graphene layers in large-scale production. The study of the obtained carbon-based material by means of scanning electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy detected graphene plates with lateral size of up to tens of micrometers. The obtained graphene sheets are shown to have very high crystal perfection, low concentration of defects and weak interlayer coupling, which depends on the growth conditions. The proposed method of producing graphene-based composites is supposed to be very promising due to its relative simplicity and high output.
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Kartel M. 
Nanocomposite based on SiC/Si: a new biomorphic material for maxillofacial surgery (experimental studies) [Електронний ресурс] / M. Kartel, O. Zhukovtseva, V. Malanchuk, V. Kiselov, T. Aleksyeyeva, B. Wang // Поверхность. - 2015. - Вып. 7. - С. 311-316. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Pov_2015_7_34
Попередній перегляд:   Завантажити - 898.381 Kb    Зміст випуску     Цитування

Iarmolenko D. A. 
Carbon ceramics from plants: Graphitization of biomorphic matrixes [Електронний ресурс] / D. A. Iarmolenko, A. E. Belyaev, V. S. Kiselov // Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics. - 2016. - Vol. 19, № 1. - С. 109-115. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/MSMW_2016_19_1_21
Попередній перегляд:   Завантажити - 948.133 Kb    Зміст випуску     Цитування
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