History of art history in Central, Eastern and South - Eastern Europe [Text] : jubilee intern. conf. celebrating The 200th anniversary of the first lecture on the history of art at Vilna/ Vilnius univ. (15 September 1810), The Centre of contemporary art Toruń, September 14-16, 2010 / Society of modern art in Toruń, Dep. of history of moderm art, Fac. of fine art, Nicolaus Copernicus univ. in Toruń . - Toruń : Society of modern art : Tako publ. house, 2012 .
Vol. 1. - 2012. - 299 p. : ill. - Бібліогр. в кінці ст. - ISBN 978-83-924110-8-6

Рубрикатор НБУВ:
Тематичні рубрики:

Дод. точки доступу:
Malinowski, Jerzy \ред.\; Society of modern art in ToruńNicolaus Copernicus university in Toruń. Departament of history of modern art. Faculty of fine art

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