
Eastern policy of the enlarged European Union. Developing relations with Russia, Ukraine and Belarus [Text] : a Visegrad perspective : thinking about an Eastern dimention / Center for Eastern studies (Warsaw), Slovak foreign policy association (Bratislava) ; ed.: Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz [et al.]. - Bratislava : Slovak foreign policy association, 2003. - 272 p. - ISBN 80-89041-66-3

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Дод. точки доступу:
Pełczyńska-Nałęcz, Katarzyna (ред.); Duleba, Alexander (ред.); Póti, László (ред.); Votápek, Vladimir (ред.); Center for Eastern studies (Warsaw); Slovak foreign policy association (Bratislava); Friedrich Ebert Stiftung; International Visegrad fund

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