Lichman, Lada Yu..
Genesis of competency-based educational concept implementation into Ukrainian higher school students' foreign language training theory and practice [Text] : study guide / Lada Lichman ; [under the gen. editorship of Lichman L. Yu.] ; [Shupyk nat. med. acad. of postgraduate education]. - Kyiv ; Запоріжжя : Вид. будинок "Кераміст", 2018. - 104 p. - Бібліогр. в кінці розд. - 300 пр. прим. - ISBN 978-966-2404-48-7

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Дод. точки доступу:
Lichman, Lada Yu. (ред.); Лічман, Лада Ю.; Shupyk national medical academy of postgraduate education (Kyiv)

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