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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 67
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1.Соф. 149 аll. 3

John XXII (pope ; 1316-1334).
Extravagantes tum viginti D. Ioannis papae XXII. Tum communes suae integritati una cum glossis restitutae. Et nuns recens illustratæ nouis Additioninibus D. Prosperi Carauitæ, Patricii Ebolitani, & Iurisconf. celeberrimi [Text] / Catholic Church Popе. - Venetiis : Apud Luntas, 1615. - 262 p. ; 8° Index locupletissimus rerum et verborum, quae in sexto decretalium, Clementinis, & Extrauagantibus habentur 32 p.

2.Хрептовичи 570

Censorinus De die natali [Text] / Henric. Lindenbrogius recensuit et notis iterata hac editione passim adauctis illustravit. - Lugduni Batavorum : ex officina Ioannis Maire, 1642. - [16], 250, [38] p. ; 8º.

Дод. точки доступу:
Maire, Joannes (15.-1657?); Lindenbrog, Heinrich (1570-1642)

3.Suppl. Reg. 158 all. 4.

Linde, Johann Ernst von (1651–1721).
Dissertationes Juridicae: Quarum Prima agit De Vindicatione Hominum Propriorum Ejusque Praescriptione. Secunda Resolutionem Quaestionis: An In Successione Ab Intestato Defuncti Fratris Vel Sororis Unilateralis Liberi Cum Patris Vel Matris Germanorum Fratrum Vel Sororum Liberis Concurrant? Tertia Jus Parentum In Liberos Circa Ingressum In Religionem Et Vota Monastica Exhibet. Ad Forum Civitatis Gedanensis Accommodatae Et Publici Juris Factae accurante Johanne-Ernesto von der Linde, Civitatis Gedanensis Syndico [Text]. - Gedani : Typis et Impensis Johannis-Zachariae Stollius, 1698. - [3] f., 242 p.; 4° (200х170 мм).

4.Acad. Viln. VI. Pharm. 413

Lindestolpe, Johann (1678-1724).
De venenis in genere, & in specie exercitatio, videlicet eorum natura, & in corpus agendi modo: atque eadem, pro morbi acuti vel chronici ex iisdem oborientis indole, curandi, & in esculentis, potulentisque indagandi ratione ... ad solidorum & fluidorum corporis organici leges mechanicas, deducta & explicata [Text] / J. Lindestolpe. - Lugduni : apud Andream Dyckhuisen, , 1708.

Дод. точки доступу:

5.Suppl. Reg. 64.
Lind, John (1737–1781)
Letters concerning the Present State of Poland [Text]. - London : Printed for T. Payne, near the Mews-Gate, 1773. - 8° (225х145 мм). Бібліографія: English Short Title Catalog, T144001; SBB, режим доступу: http://stabikat.de/DB=1/XMLPRS=N/PPN?PPN=555145417.
Letter IV. - 1773. - [2] l., 140 p.

6.Suppl. Reg. 64.
Lind, John (1737–1781)
Letters concerning the Present State of Poland [Text]. - London : Printed for T. Payne, near the Mews-Gate, 1773. - 8° (225х145 мм). Бібліографія: English Short Title Catalog, T144001; SBB, режим доступу: http://stabikat.de/DB=1/XMLPRS=N/PPN?PPN=555145417.
Letter III. - 1773. - [2] l., 95 p.

7.Suppl. Reg. 64.
Lind, John (1737–1781)
Letters concerning the Present State of Poland [Text]. - London : Printed for T. Payne, near the Mews-Gate, 1773. - 8° (225х145 мм). Бібліографія: English Short Title Catalog, T144001; SBB, режим доступу: http://stabikat.de/DB=1/XMLPRS=N/PPN?PPN=555145417.
Letter II. - 1773. - [2] l., 64 p.

8.Suppl. Reg. 246.

Johnson, Samuel (1709–1784).
Taxation no Tyranny; An Answer to the Resolutions and Address of the American Congress [Text]. - London : Printed For T. Cadell, In The Strand, 1775. - [4], 91 p.; 8° (230x140 мм).

9.Suppl. Reg. 63.

Lind, John (1737–1781).
A Letter to the Right Honourable Willoughby Bertie, by Descent Earl of Abingdon, by descent Lord Norreys; High Steward of Abingdon and Wallingford. In which His Lordship's Candid and Liberal Treatment of the Now Earl of Mansfield, Is fully vindicated [Text]. - London : Printed for T. Payne and Son, T. Cadell, and J. Sewell, 1778. - XII, 86 p.; 8° (198х130 мм).

10.Acad.Viln.I.Lit. 598
Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)
THe Works [Text] : the adventurer / S. Johnson. - London : Printed for J. Backland, 1787.
Vol. IX. - 1787. - 446 p. ; 4°.

Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)
The Works [Text] : the rambler / S. Johnson. - London : Printed for J. Backland, 1787.
Vol. VI. - 1787. - 443 p. ; 4°.

12.Acad.Viln.I.Lit. 598
Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)
The Works [Text] : the rambler / S. Johnson. - London : Printed for J. Backland, 1787.
Vol. V. - 1787. - 446 p ; 4°.

Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)
The Works [Text] : rasselas & C / Johnson. - London : Printed for J. Backland, 1787.
Vol. XI. - 1787. - 564 p. ; 4°.

14.Acad.Viln.I.Lit. 598
Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)
The Works [Text] / S. Johnson. - London : Printed for J. Backland, 1787.
Vol. VII. - 1787. - 397 p. ; 4°.

15.Acad.Viln.I.Lit. 598

Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)
The Works [Text] : west isles & C / S. Johnson. - London : Printed for J. Backland, 1787.
Vol. X / S. Johnson . - 1787. - 522 p. ; 4°.

Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)
The Works [Text] : lives of the poets / S. Johnson. - Лондон : Printed for J. Buckland, 1787.
Vol. IV. - 1787. - 635 p. ; 4°.

17.Acad.Viln. I. Lit. 598
Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)
The Works [Text] : the lives of the most eminent english poets / S. Johnson. - London : Printed for J. Buckland, 1787.
Vol.1. - 1787. - 418 s ; 4°.

18.Acad.Viln.I.Lit. 598

Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)
The Works [Text] : the idler / S. Johnson. - London : Printed for J. Backland, 1787.
Vol. VIII. - 1787. - 410 p. ; 4°.

Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)
The Works [Text] : the lives of the most eminent english poets / S. Johnson. - London : Printed for J. Buckland, J. Rivington and Sons., 1787.
Vol.II. - 1787. - 477 p. ; 4°.

20.Acad.Viln.I.Lit. 598
Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)
The Works [Text] : the lives of the most eminent english poets / S. Johnson. - London : Printed for J. Buckland, 1787.
Vol. I. - 1787. - 602 p. ; 4°.

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