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Mozilla Firefox Для швидкої роботи та реалізації всіх функціональних можливостей пошукової системи використовуйте браузер
"Mozilla Firefox"

Вид пошуку
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Пошуковий запит: (<.>A=IDES$<.>+<.>A=EVERARD$<.>+<.>A=ISBRANTZ$<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1
1.Р 1434

Ides, Everard Isbrantz (1657-1708/1709).
Three years traveis from Moscow overland to China thro' Great Ustiga, Siriania, Permia, Sibiria, Daour, Great Tartary, etc. to Peking. Containing an axact and pariticular description of the exent and limits of those countries, and the customs of the barbarous inhabitants; with reference to their religion, Government, marriages, daily imployments, habits, habitations, diet, death, funerals, etc [Text] / Written by his Excellency E. Ysbrants Ides, ambassador from the Czar of Muscovy to the emperor of China ; Illustrated with a large map of the countries... and manycurious cuts. To which is annex'd an accurate description of China, done originally by a Chinese author; with several remarks by way of commentary, alluding to what our European authors have writ of that country. - London : Printed for W. Freeman, J. Walthoe, T. Newborough, J. Nicholson, and R. Parker, 1706. - [6], 210 p. : il. ; 4°.

Тематичний рубрикатор:

Дод. точки доступу:
Freeman, W. (друкар.); Walthoe, J. (друкар.); Newborough, T. (друкар.); Nicholson, J. (друкар.); Parker, R. (друкар.)

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