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 Знайдено в інших БД:Інкунабули (10)Палеотипи (18)Іноземні стародруки (25)Кириличні стародруки (3)Українські стародруки (латинським шрифтом) (2)Рідкісні видання (3)
Формат представлення знайдених документів:
Пошуковий запит: (<.>A=RENOUARD$<.>+<.>A=ANTOINE$<.>+<.>A=AUGUSTIN$<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 8
Представлено документи з 1 до 8
1.P.in 3
A bibliographical sketch of the Aldine press at Venice : forming a catalogue of all works issued by Aldus and his successors, from 1494 to 1597, and a list of all known forgeries or imitations / translated and abridged from Ant. Aug. Renouard's Annales de l'Imprimerie des Aldes ; and revised and correct by Edmund Goldsmid. - Edinburgh : Privately Printed, 1887.
V. 1. - [6], 56 s. - (Bibliotheca Curiosa).

Тематичний рубрикатор:

Дод. точки доступу:
Manuzio, Aldo (1449-1515) \изд.\; Goldsmid, Edmund \ред.\; Renouard, Antoine, Augustin (1765-1853) \авт.\

2.P.in 4
A bibliographical sketch of the Aldine press at Venice : forming a catalogue of all works issued by Aldus and his successors, from 1494 to 1597, and a list of all known forgeries or imitations / translated and abridged from Ant. Aug. Renouard's "Annals de l'imprimerie des Aldes" ;and revised and corrected by Edmund Goldsmid. - Edinburgh : Privately Printed, 1887.
V. 2. - [6], 80 s. - (Bibliotheca Curiosa).

Тематичний рубрикатор:

Дод. точки доступу:
Manuzio, Aldo (1449-1515) \изд.\; Goldsmid, Edmund \ред.\; Renouard, Antoine, Augustin (1765-1853) \авт.\

3.P.in 5
A bibliographical sketch of the Aldine press at Venice : forming a catalogue of all works issued by Aldus and his successors, from 1494 to 1597, and a list of all known forgeries or imitations / translated and abridged from Ant. Aug. Renouard's Annales de l'Imprimerie des Aldes ; and revised and correct by Edmund Goldsmid. - Edinburgh : Privately Printed, 1887.
V. 3. - [6], 42, [xxiv] s. - (Bibliotheca Curiosa).

Тематичний рубрикатор:

Дод. точки доступу:
Manuzio, Aldo (1449-1515) \изд.\; Goldsmid, Edmund \ред.\; Renouard, Antoine, Augustin (1765-1853) \авт.\

4.P.in 635

Renouard, Antoine, Augustin (1765-1853).
Annales de L'imprimerie des Estienne ou histoire de la famille des Estienne et des ses editions [Text] / par Ant. Aug. Renouard. - Paris : Chez Jules Renouard et cie, Libraires, 1843. - XIX, [1], 584, [2], 16 p. ; [2] f. : генеалогіч. табл.

Тематичний рубрикатор:

5.P.in 348
Repertorium bibliographicum, in quo libri omnes ab arte typographica inventa usque ad annum 1500. Typis expressi ordine alphabetico vel simpliciter enumerantur vel adcuratius recensentur [Text] / Opera Ludovici Hain. Voluminis 1. Pars 1.[-voluminis 2. Pars 2.]. - Stuttgartiæ : sumptibus J.G. Cottæ ; Lutetiæ Parisiorum : Jul. Renouard rue du Tournon, n°. 6, 1826 - 1838. - 8°.
V. 1. P. 1 : A-G. - Stuttgartiae et Tubingae : sumptibus J.G. Cottæ, 1826. - [6], 594, [2] p.

Дод. точки доступу:
Hain, Ludwig Friedrich Teodor; Cotta von Cottendorf, Johann Georg (1796-1863); Renouard, Jules

6.P.in 349
Repertorium bibliographicum, in quo libri omnes ab arte typographica inventa usque ad annum 1500. Typis expressi ordine alphabetico vel simpliciter enumerantur vel adcuratius recensentur [Text] / Opera Ludovici Hain. Voluminis 1. Pars 1.[-voluminis 2. Pars 2.]. - Stuttgartiæ : sumptibus J.G. Cottæ ; Lutetiæ Parisiorum : Jul. Renouard rue du Tournon, n°. 6, 1826 - 1838. - 8°.
V. 1. P. 2 : [С-G]. - 1827. - [2], 563, [2] p.

Дод. точки доступу:
Hain, Ludwig Friedrich Teodor; Cotta von Cottendorf, Johann Georg (1796-1863); Renouard, Jules

7.P.in 350
Repertorium bibliographicum, in quo libri omnes ab arte typographica inventa usque ad annum 1500. Typis expressi ordine alphabetico vel simpliciter enumerantur vel adcuratius recensentur [Text] / Opera Ludovici Hain. Voluminis 1. Pars 1.[-voluminis 2. Pars 2.]. - Stuttgartiæ : sumptibus J.G. Cottæ ; Lutetiæ Parisiorum : Jul. Renouard rue du Tournon, n°. 6, 1826 - 1838. - 8°.
V. 2. P. 1 : H-Z. - 1831. - [4], 558 p.

Дод. точки доступу:
Hain, Ludwig Friedrich Teodor; Cotta von Cottendorf, Johann Georg (1796-1863); Renouard, Jules

8.P.in 351
Repertorium bibliographicum, in quo libri omnes ab arte typographica inventa usque ad annum 1500. Typis expressi ordine alphabetico vel simpliciter enumerantur vel adcuratius recensentur [Text] / Opera Ludovici Hain. Voluminis 1. Pars 1.[-voluminis 2. Pars 2.]. - Stuttgartiæ : sumptibus J.G. Cottæ ; Lutetiæ Parisiorum : Jul. Renouard rue du Tournon, n°. 6, 1826 - 1838. - 8°.
V. 2. P. 2 : [P-Z]. - 1838. - [4], 548 p.

Дод. точки доступу:
Hain, Ludwig Friedrich Teodor; Cotta von Cottendorf, Johann Georg (1796-1863); Renouard, Jules

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