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Rekalo M. P. 
The left-right asymmetry in deuteron electrodisintegration beyond quasi-elastic scattering = Ліво-права асиметрія електророзщеплення дейтронів поза областю квазіпружного розсіяння / M. P. Rekalo, G. I. Gakh, A. P. Rekalo // Укр. фіз. журн. - 2001. - 46, № 7. - С. 668-674. - Библиогр.: 24 назв. - англ.

The properties of the left-right asymmetry in the deuteron electrodisintegration, d(e, e'p)n, are investigated within the framework of the unitarized version of the relativistic impulse approximation. This asymmetry determines the difference of the differential cross-sections at two values of the azimuthal angle, namely, phi = 0° and phi = 180°. The relative significance of various mechanisms which determine the above reaction is studied under the particular conditions of the kinematics beyond the region of quasi-elastic e-N scattering. The influence of final state np-interaction and choice of the deuteron wave function on the angular dependence of the asymmetry is investigated. Special attention is paid to the analysis of consequences of the hadronic electromagnetic current conservation.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В382.14


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