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Tukhvatullin F. H. 
The shape of different polarized components of 1710 cm-1 raman band for methyl ethyl ketone (2-butanone) and its solutions = Форма різних поляризованих компонент полоси 1710 см-1 спектрів комбінаційного розсіяння метилетилкетону та його розчинів / F. H. Tukhvatullin, U. N. Tashkenbaev, A. Jumaboev, S. A. Osmanov, Z. U. Mamatov, H. A. Hushvaktov // Укр. фіз. журн. - 2001. - 46, № 9. - С. 922-925. - Библиогр.: 17 назв. - англ.

Frequencies of maxima of the vibrational component and the component with perpendicular polarization of methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) in C=O vibration band are different by DELTA nu = 6,7 cm-1. In mixtures with heptane, pyridine, and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), there is a decrease in this frequency difference with changing a concentration. However, a feature of the decrease in DELTA nu is different: in mixtures with heptane, both bands are displaced to the high-frequency side, and the vibrational component is displaced faster; in mixtures with pyridine, the components are displaced to the opposite directions. In mixtures with DMSO, the perpendicular component is displaced to the direction of the vibrational component. The peculiarity of the concentration dependence of DELTA nu behavior in mixtures of MEK with chloroform can be explained by possible intermolecular aggregations.

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