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Мельниченко Т. М. 
Параметр Грюнайзена і об'ємна деформація сітки в перенапружених стеклах систем Ge - As - S та Cd - As в рамках концепції вільного об'єму / Т. М. Мельниченко, Д. П. Мельниченко // Укр. фіз. журн. - 2001. - 46, № 7. - С. 744-748. - Бібліогр.: 14 назв. - укp.

The possibility to consider the anharmonicity of oscillations of quasilattice particles and the nonlinearity of internuclear interaction forces in glass halcogenides Ge - As - S and in glasses of the Cd - As system is regarded within the fluctuation free volume theory. The originality of the structure of a glass lattice frame in the Ge - As - S system causes other ratio, than that in silicate glasses, of the fluctuation free volume share and Gruneizen parameter: fg increases with decrease in the anharmonicity of oscillations of the glass lattice. In glasses of the system Cd - As, symbatic changes of fg and gammaL occur. A certain connection of the fluctuation free volume theory parameters with the average coordination number is observed. The results obtained agree with conclusions of the model of "soft" configurations about a minor role "of soft configurations" in noncrystalline materials with Zm = 4.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В372.4


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