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Malik O.  
Modeling of physical properties and experimental results for virtual p-i-n diode based on metal-insulator-silicon structure = Моделювання фізичних властивостей та експериментальних результатів для віртуального p-i-n діода на основі структури метал-ізолятор-кремній / O. Malik, V. Grimalsky // Фізика і хімія твердого тіла. - 2003. - 4, № 3. - С. 491-497. - Библиогр.: 8 назв. - англ.

A study of the physical processes in metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) capacitors gives a new way of using this familiar device as a high-sensitive optical sensor with giant internal amplification of an input signal. New CMOS optical sensors with a metal-insulator-semiconductor structure are developed and investigated both theoretically and experimentally. The physical properties of these sensors are described with a model of MIS capacitor where a presence of depletion layer of electrons, an inversion layer of holes of a finite depth, and possible change of properties of n- semiconductor layer are taken into account. Two-level voltage bias provides a transient between two quasi-equilibrium inversion modes. This transient is applied both for storage and for readout of the input optical signal for quantitative measurements of a weak infra red radiation. Proposed simple readout procedure provides reading the integrated information with a significant amplification. At the readout stage, a resistance of the n- semiconductor layer changes drastically, and the MIS structure behaves as a virtual p-i-n - diode with double injection of carriers into the n- layer. An amplification (or the current transformation coefficient) is determined by the ratio of integration and readout times and it is about 104-105 at great external loads (>10 K() and reaches the value of 106 at small loads (~100(). A theoretical model explains a behavior of the sensor under storage by thermo generated carriers and by photo generated ones jointly. Numerical simulations are of a good agreement with experimental investigations of proposed sensors

Ключ. слова: diode, metal-insulator-silicon structure, sensors
Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З851.122.2


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