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Красиленко Е. П. 
Возрастная динамика церебрального кровотока у ликвидаторов последствий аварии на ЧАЭС / Е. П. Красиленко // Лікар. справа. - 2002. - № 3-4. - С. 27-32. - Библиогр.: 19 назв. - рус.

An analysis was done of the state of bloodflow in arteries of the carotid and vertebral-and-basilar (VB) trees (as evaluated by USDG) in 104 liquidators of aftermaths of the Chernobyl accident (ChAALs) and in 73 controls intact to the radiation factor. ChAALs demonstrated a higher tempo of an age-assosiated decrease in linear systolic velocity of the bloodflow (LBFSV) and significantly lower (compared to controls) LBFSV levels in the studied arteries in different age periods, which fact suggests to us a quickened and heterochronous aging of cerebral vessels in ChAALs. In ChAALs, signs of stenoses in the carotid tree have been found to be present two decades earlier than in controls, with associated affections of arteries of both trees detectable at ages 40 to 69 years, which fact suggests apparent diffuse changes in the cerebral vascular bed and narrowing of the cerebral bloodflow safety range in ChAALs. The identified structural changes in the great arteries of the brain should be regarded as a risk factor for formation of cerebrovascular pathology in ChAALs.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р361.1 + Р627.703-92


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