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Шевцова В. М. 
Определение индивидуальной предрасположенности к развитию заболеваний опорно-двигательного аппарата / В. М. Шевцова, Т. П. Куликова, В. М. Ошека // Лікар. справа. - 2003. - № 8. - С. 81-85. - Библиогр.: 17 назв. - рус.

A technique was worked out on the basis of studying of physiological indices of the main and medical aid appealability concerning musculoskeletal system diseases (MSD), physical examination of workers. It will allow for certain determine the character of individual predisposition to the development of the disease and in 84 % of the cases rather sooner predict the disease if a worker has high individual predisposition and in 55,2 % of other cases. Combination of tension and pain sensitivity indices measuring up 21 - 80 and 1,1 mm and more; 81 - 160 and 1,0 mm and more; 161 - 220 and 0,9 mm and more; 221 - 300 and 0,8 mm and more; 301 and more, 0,7 mm and more accordingly characterize high individual predisposition; less 50 and 0,5 mm - tolerance to the disease. A risk of the development of musculoskeletal system diseases conditioned by individual predisposition from the mathematical analysis happened in 16,2 %. Application of the method before receiving the job can both reveal individual predisposition to musculoskeletal system diseases and prevent from harmful industrial conditions. It will decrease a risk of the development of MSD, keep sound health and prolong professional activity.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р418.1-3


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