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Zefirov A. L. 
Changes in the asynchronicity of transmitter release at the neuromuscular junction during prolonged high-frequency stimulation / A. L. Zefirov, M. A. Moukhamediarov, G. G. Sitdikova // Нейрофизиология. - 2002. - 34, № 2-3. - С. 273-275. - Библиогр.: 8 назв. - англ.

In the experiments on neuromuscular junctions in the frog m. cutaneous-pectoris, changes in the intensity and asynchronicity of transmitter release during high-frequency (10 and 50 <$E roman sec sup -1>) rhythmic stimulation of the motor nerve were investigated using extracellular recording. At low extracellular <$E roman Ca sup 2+> concentrations, rhythmic stimulation resulted in a gradual enlargement of the quantum content of end-plate currents (EPC), the so-called facilitation. The latter phenomenon was accompanied by an increase in the average value and variance of synaptic delays of single-quantum EPC, a shift of the main mode of their distribution towards greater values, and an increase in the latency of the nerve ending responses. The above-described changes reduce the magnitude of facilitation in the neuromuscular junction.

Ключ. слова: synaptic delay, facilitation, "residual calcium", nerve ending, calcium current, temporal course of transmitter release, latency
Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Е60*739.1*02


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