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Mamalis A. G. 
Fabrication of high-temperature ceramic superconductors at high strain rates / A. G. Mamalis // Сверхтвердые материалы. - 2002. - № 5. - С. 3-16. - Библиогр.: 16 назв. - англ.

The fabrication of bulk high-<$E T sub c> superconductive ceramics with unique properties can be achieved by employing high-energy rate powder compaction techniques, like explosive and electromagnetic compaction. A very great novelty is indicated from the subsequent mechanical processing of the densified high-<$E T sub c> superconducting ceramics employed to produce a sound final product. Wires, rods, plates, strips, and forged parts with superconducting cores and metal sheaths can be produced by various techniques, like wire-drawing, extrusion, rolling and forging and subsequent metal removal processing, e.g. machining and grinding. High-temperature superconducting materials possess electromagnetic properties of utmost importance, one of which is the high-current carrying capability of superconductors with small cross sections, making them suitable for a wide range of industrial applications in electricity, electronics, and transportation, like electromagnetic machines, such as synchronous generators, levitated bearings, flywheels and fault current limiters and electrical switchgears for energy storage. An account of the above-mentioned deformation processing of bulk superconductors and its applications is given in the present paper.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Л428.7 + В368.2


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