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Iuliana Dobre 
Improving computer Aided Learning (CAL) course design by using templates / Iuliana Dobre // Вісн. Сум. держ. ун-ту. Сер. Техн. науки. - 2002. - № 12. - С. 63-69. - Библиогр.: 5 назв. - англ.

Since year 2000 the students population employed by all departments of the Petroleum&cGas University from Ploiesti (PGU) increase with a significant number. One of the departments call to handle the new challenges was the Computing Department. An approach being taken to address these challenges is the design and development of new Computer Aided Learning (CAL) courses for both on-campus and distance students. The Computing Department combined the traditional teaching method with new teaching methods in a program who currently operates at PGU This paper reports on a improvement of Computer Aided Learning course design and development by using an Object Based technology combined with a template approach. The design and development of a CAL course requires the presence of several skills, a high knowledge level in the domain and enough time because this process it is a time consuming Course developed with this system was about C programming language and is a component of the program open for the first year students from PGU Faculties. To develop the project we use several resources in an Windows/ToolBook authoring environment.

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