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Lymarenko R.  
Optical coding of hidden image in hologram using amplitude-phase mask / R. Lymarenko, O. Budnyk // Оптико-електрон. інформ.-енерг. технології. - 2001. - № 2. - С. 145-153. - Библиогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

It was proposed the technique for optical coding of adaptive optical hidden image in holography elements. A structure of a system that looks promising to produce a like hologram and method of operation directly images a pattern, which is previously calculated by computer and displayed on the amplitude-phase mask was explained. Application of new procedure to practical diffraction-related phenomena may improve the processing efficiency without creating any artifacts associated with the diffraction field. The extension of new method of wave equation solution is useful for providing analytical studying and numerical modeling of diffraction on amplitude-phase discrete mask and possibilities of its practical application for structured light beam generation and image composition was considered. The result of theoretical study and computer modeling of diffraction on discrete matrix of square elements with Unit Cell Wave concept was represented. Conclusions regarding the possibilities the representation the arbitrary fields by using the discrete matrix of squared cell are arrived at. The method is based on new integral approach to modeling of plane wave diffraction on an arbitrary two-dimensional aperture by investigation of the singular wave component as informative part of diffraction field. It was shown that the result of diffraction on arbitrary aperture was treating as discrete sum of elementary unit cell wave and diffracted field can be represented via orthogonal wave-functions which play a role of eigenmodes as plane waves in free space. The specific form of

the convolution kernel that describes the diffraction with taking into account the size of cell allows alternative reconstruction procedure of diffraction pattern.

Ключ. слова: diffraction theory, amplitude-phase mask, hidden image
Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В343.43


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