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Ochin P.  
Preparation of thin wires of Cu - AI - Ni shape memory alloys by the in rotating water melt spinning technique: first investigations / P. Ochin, A. Dezellus, Ph. Plaindoux, R. Portier, J. Pons, E. Cesari // Металлофизика и новейшие технологии. - 2001. - 23, спец. вып. - С. 137-141. - Библиогр.: 8 назв. - англ.

Technologies for producing alloys in a finite shape directly from the molten state received a lot of attention because with such direct casting techniques, it is not only possible to make savings in further processing but also to obtain new material properties. Because it is possible to reduce embrittlement by rapid cooling during casting of ribbons, thin strips, fibers or wires, these methods represent a major success. We have extended Rapid Solidification experiments to technologies, which have been firstly employed for the obtaining of amorphous materials (mainly for magnetic applications). Recently, we have begun studying the production of thin cylindrical wires (100 to 250 mm <$E symbol ж >) of Cu-based SMA (Shape Memory Alloys) by using the in Rotating Water Spinning technique (INROWASP). We report here the main considerations with respect to the process, the morphological and micro-structural states, and the transformation temperatures of the investigated materials. Wires, produced by this technique, exhibit transformation temperatures close to those of massive (cast or hot rolled) alloys, and are suitable for potential applications. Meanwhile, they still present some defects and irregularities of surface. Optimization of the process has to be performed.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: К25/29 + К621.4-1


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