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Kostyuk E.  
Streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus and further nimodipine treatment do not change calcium currents in rat sensory neurons within early stages of the disease / E. Kostyuk, V. Pinchenko, P. Kostyuk // Нейрофизиология. - 2002. - 34, № 2-3. - С. 175-176. - Библиогр.: 5 назв. - англ.

Earlier, considerable prolongation of the depolarization-induced <$E roman Ca sup 2+> transients was demonstrated in primary sensory neurons of rats with streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes mellitus. To analyze the nature of this effect, we examine possible changes in the characteristics of voltage-operated calcium channels. Neither the amplitude of <$E roman Ca sup 2+> currents provided by both high- and low-voltage activated calcium channels, nor the respective current densities significantly changed within early stages of diabetes mellitus. In rats treated with nimodipine, also no significant changes in the calcium channel activity were observed. Only in the case of a decrease in the external calcium concentration, some drop in the <$E roman Ca sup 2+> current amplitude was observed. We conclude that within early stages of diabetes mellitus there are no significant modifications in the structure of the membrane of primary sensory neurons manifested in the expression of <$E roman Ca sup 2+> channels, which might be responsible for the observed rapidly occurring changes in calcium signalling, cytosolic <$E roman Ca sup 2+> accumulation, and synaptic plasticity.

Ключ. слова: diabetes mellitus, calcium currents, nimodipine
Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р415.160.23-52


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