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Kositsyn S. V. 
The effect of atomic ordering on stability of the <$E bold beta >-phase in eutectic Ni - Co - Cr - Al <$E bold {beta "/" gamma}>-alloys / S. V. Kositsyn, N. V. Katayev, I. I. Kositsyna, V. S. Litvinov // Металлофизика и новейшие технологии. - 2001. - 23, спец. вып. - С. 177-181. - Библиогр.: 3 назв. - англ.

The method of electron microscopy was used to examine <$E B2~symbol О~{roman Ni sub 2 Al}> and <$E B2~symbol О~{roman Ni sub 5 Al sub 3 }> ordering of the <$E beta > solid solution in Ni - Co - Cr - Al <$E beta "/" gamma > eutectics during annealing at 350, 450 and 550 <$E symbol Р >C. Formation of the Ni2Al phase led to depletion of nickel in the <$E beta >-matrix and stabilization of this matrix with respect to the martensitic transformation. The sfabilization effect was less when Ni5Al3, particles precipitated. It was shown that the Ni5Al3 superstructure, whose symmetry was lower than that of the initial <$E beta >-matrix, appeared by the mechanism of heterogeneous nucleation and growth of disk-shaped Ni5Al3, particles in the <$E beta >-matrix. Those Ni5Al3, particles had a microdomain internal structure. When the chromium concentration of the alloy increased from 14 to 20 mass %, the growth of Ni5Al3 particles decelerated considerably. The cobalt concentration from 0 to I5 mass % had little effect on the <$E B2~symbol О~{roman Ni sub 5 Al sub 3 }>, transformation kinetics. However, the intensity of the concurrent decomposition of the supersaturated <$E beta > solid solution, which was followed by precipitation <$E alpha >-Cr particles, decreased.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: К202


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