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Kolomytsev V.  
The transformation kinetics of the multicomponent TiNi-based melt-spun ribbons from the amorphous to nanocrystalline state / V. Kolomytsev, М. Babanly, R. Musienko, A. Sezonenko, P. Ochin, A. Dezellus, P. Plaindoux, R. Portier, P. Vermaut // Металлофизика и новейшие технологии. - 2001. - 23, спец. вып. - С. 124-136. - Библиогр.: 16 назв. - англ.

The <39>AB' and Be-<39>AB'-Y transition metal compound melt-spun ribbons have been produced both in IMPh, N.A.S.U., Kyyiv and CECM CNRS, Vitry, where <39>A' = (Ti, Zr, Nb, Hf) and <39>B' = (Ni, Cu, Co, Pd, Ag, Al). The simple crystallization step (SCS) in the continuous heating regime {<$E (-150~-~+50)~symbol Р roman C~symbol О~(570~-~600)~symbol Р roman C >, 1 min} has been used for transformation of the amorphous ribbon into the crystalline state and thermodynamic property measurement. Very often, the SCS is not enough for the restoration of the shape memory property of the multicomponent alloys in the initially bulk amorphous state and various heat treatment regimes should be used. The heat treatment regimes chosen for the crystallization and microstructure formation are discussed. Specific temperatures obtained from typical variation of the heat flow from amorphous ribbons during the first heating run in the DSC camera up to 6ОО <$E symbol Р >С were taken into account. The chemical composition of some developed multicomponent alloys varies around the <39>deep eutectic' composition range and, so, their melting temperature may be sharply decreased. This factor is also to be taken into account for defining of the upper temperature limit for the heat treatment regimes. The crystallization process during the isothermal pre-annealing at <$E T sub A~<<~T sub X > (<$E T sub A > - annealing temperature, <$E T sub X > - crystallization temperature) is not complete one:

usually the state after such treatment is the mixture of the fine nanocrystalline and retained amorphous structure. Similar to some observations made on other bulk amorphous alloy systems, the partial crystallization during preannealing at <$E T sub G~<<~T sub A~<<~T sub X > does not cause the slabilization of the retained amorphous structure component (<$E T sub G > - the glass transition temperature). Annealing at high temperatures, <$E T sub A~<<~T sub X >, is oriented on production of a pure beta phase (probably, with some amount of the Ti2Ni-type particles) with varied mean grain size by progressive tempering (0,5 hr, 3 hrs up to 20 hrs).

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: К232.104.3


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