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Zhu M. H. 
The transient receptor potential protein homologue TRPC4/5 as a candidate for the nonselective cationic channel activated by muscarinic stimulation in the murine stomach / M. H. Zhu, Y. M. Lee, N. Jin, I. So, K. W. Kim // Нейрофизиология. - 2003. - 35, № 3-4. - С. 330-335. - Библиогр.: 37 назв. - англ.

The transient receptor potential protein homologue TRPC5 was reported as a molecular identity for the muscarinic receptor-activated nonselective cationic channel (NSCC) in the murine stomach smooth muscle. The canonical, or classical transient receptor potential proteins, TRPC4 and TRPC5, were suggested as members of the same subfamily of TRPC channels and to be coexpressed as a heteromultimer of both TRPC as well as a homotetramer of each TRPC protein. Thus, we investigated whether the TRPC4 channel is also responsible for the NSCC activated by acetylcholine (ACh) or carbachol (CCh) using electrophysiological techniques. The TRPC channels were expressed in HEK293 cells. When murine TRPC4 channels (mTRPC4) were expressed, the current-voltage relationship of mTRPC4 was also similar to that recorded in native murine gastric myocytes or mTRPC5-expressing HEK cells. With 0,2 mM GTP<$E gamma>S in the pipette solution, the currents in mTRPC4-expressing cells were activated transiently like those in NSCC in the murine stomach and the expressed mTRPC5. The currents recorded in mTRPC4-expressing cells were inhibited by 1 mM <$E roman La sup 3+> and 100 <$E mu>M flufenamate. The currents recorded in mTRPC4-expressing cells depended on the extracellular calcium concentration. From the above results, we suggest that mTRPC4/5 might be candidates for the NSCC activated by ACh or CCh in the murine stomach.

Ключ. слова: canonical transient receptor potential protein (TRPC), nonselective cation channel, muscarinic stimulation, murine stomach
Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Е60*738.821 + Е60*734.23*01


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