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Kuplevakhsky S. V. 
Topological solitons of the Lawrence-Doniach model as equilibrium Josephson vortices in layered superconductors / S. V. Kuplevakhsky // Физика низ. температур. - 2004. - 30, № 7-8. - С. 856-873. - Библиогр.: 32 назв. - англ.

We present a complete, exact solution of the problem of the magnetic properties of layered superconductors with an infinite number of superconducting layers in parallel fields <$E bold H~>>~0>. Based on a new exact variational method, we determine the type of all stationary points of both the Gibbs and Helmholtz free-energy functionals. For the Gibbs free-energy functional, they are either points of strict, strong minima or saddle points. All stationary points of the Helmholtz free-energy functional are those of strict, strong minima. The only minimizes of both the functionals are the Meissner (0-soliton) solution and soliton solutions. The latter represent equilibrium Josephson vortices. In contrast, non-soliton configurations (interpreted in some previous publications as "isolated fluxons" and "fluxon lattices") are shown to be saddle points of the Gibbs free-energy functional: They violate the conservation law for the flux and the stationarity condition for the Helmholtz free-energy functional. For stable solutions, we give a topological classification and establish a one-to-one correspondence with Abrikosov vortices in type-II superconductors. In the limit of weak interlayer coupling, exact, closed-form expressions for all stable solutions are derived: They are nothing but the "vacuum state" and topological solitons of the coupled static sine-Gordon equations for the phase differences. The stable solutions cover the whole field range <$E 0~symbol Г~bold H~<<~inf> and their stability regions overlap. Soliton solutions exist for arbitrary small transverse dimensions of the system,

provided the field <$E bold H> to be sufficiently high. Aside from their importance for weak superconductivity, the new soliton solutions can find applications in different fields of nonlinear physics and applied mathematics.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В368.313


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