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Prokhorov V. G. 
Magnetic and transport properties controlled by structural disorder in La0,7Ca0,3MnO3 films / V. G. Prokhorov, V. A. Komashko, G. G. Kaminsky, V. L. Svetchnikov, Y. P. Lee, S. Y. Park // Физика низ. температур. - 2004. - 30, № 9. - С. 938-944. - Библиогр.: 21 назв. - англ.

The magnetic properties of an amorphous, a partially-disordered, and a lattice-strained crystalline La0,7Ca0,3MnO3 film are investigated. It is shown that the amorphous film exhibits Curie-Weiss-type paramagnetism with the effective magnetic moment of 4,2 <$E mu sub B "/" roman Mn> ion and a small ferromagnetic contribution governed by the formation of a quasi-two-dimensional crystalline interfacial inclusions. The crystalline film with nanocrystalline randomly-oriented inclusions demonstrates a superposition of ferromagnetic (in the crystalline matrix) and superparamagnetic (in the inclusions) nature. The fitted average size of the superparamagnetic particles in the case of a Langevin function is coincident with that of the nanocrystalline clusters reveated in high-resolution electron-microscopy images. An increase in the applied magnetic field leads to a reduction in the average magnetic moment of superparamagnetic particles, which is due to an enhancement of the ferromagnetic coupling between the individual randomly-oriented crystallites. The completely crystalline film undergoes only a ferromagnetic transition with a saturation magnetization at 5 K of 2,73 <$E mu sub B "/" roman Mn> ion.

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