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Azarenkov N. A. 
Guiding center distribution function in toroidal magnetic field with one resonant structure / N. A. Azarenkov, O. A. Shyshkin, R. Schneider, Y. L. Igitkhanov // Вісн. Харк. ун-ту. Сер. фіз. "Ядра, частинки, поля". - 2004. - 619, вип. 1. - С. 17-26. - Библиогр.: 14 назв. - англ.

Analytical expression for the guiding center distribution function in the toroidal magnetic field of HELIAS stellarator with the one resonant structure was obtained as a solution of the drift kinetic equation. This expression gives possibility to treat analytically the critical task for the modern fusion devices, e.g. to estimate the particle transport in 3D plasma edge configurations. One resonant structure means that in a vertical cross-section of the magnetic field configuration we observe one island chain, which possesses the pure separatrix. Additional perturbations that cause additional magnetic islands and stochastic layers are not taken into account. Analytical treatment of the problem is done for the model in which the electric field is neglected. The solution of the drift kinetic equation is assumed to be the sum of <$E chi sub 1> and <$E cos chi sub 1> harmonics, where <$E chi sub 1> represents the dependences on toroidal and poloidal angle variables, "wave" numbers of perturbation, perturbation frequency and time. It is shown, that in accordance with the model, the <$E cos chi sub 1> harmonic vanishes and the solution, which consists of only the one <$E sin chi sub 1> - harmonic, is enough to present changes in distribution function caused by a resonant structure of the magnetic filed. As a numerical example the tungsten ion guiding center distribution function is considered.

Ключ. слова: HELIAS, stellarator, guiding center equations, guiding center distribution function, magnetic field resonance, electric field potential
Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В333.263 + В333.63


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