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Vitavetskaya L. A. 
Consistent relativistic quantum mechanical calculation of the bound states for semiconductor superatom and quarkony / L. A. Vitavetskaya // Фотоэлектроника: Межвед. науч. сб. - 2005. - Вып. 14. - С. 48-49. - Библиогр.: 9 назв. - англ.

The problems of calculation of the bound states energies for following systems: superatom (spherical nucleus of some semiconductor material that is selectively doped by donors; it is surrounded by the intrinsic matrix from material with low band gap) and heavy quarkony are considered. Ab initio effective potential approach in combination with the QED and relativistic perturbation theory method is used in calculation of the energy spectrum and ground configuration for systems considered. Zeroth approximation is generated by solution of the Dirac equation with spherically symmetric potential that includes the potential of ionized donors, the Dirac - Kohn - Sham functional. It is found that for superatom (nucleus Al0,35Ga0,65As; charge Z = 20; Matrix: GaAs; radius of nucleus <$E r sub 0~=~125~roman font 14 Е>) the ground configuration is <$E roman {1s sup 2 2p sup 6 3d sup 10 2s sup 2}>. For the same parameters and value <$E r sub 0~=~175~roman font 14 Е> the configuration <$E roman {1s sup 2 2p sup 6 3d sup 10 2f sup 2}> is corresponding to the ground state of superatom. The superatom radius is found to be equal 351 {\AA}. The energy splitting calculation for quarkony with the use of the different forms of potential is carried out.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З843.3 + В379.2


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