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Markova О.  
Applicability of peak-scaled nonstationary fluctuation analysis to the studies of inhibitory synaptic transmission in hippocampal cultures = Можливість застосування аналізу пікових нестаціонарних флуктуацій в дослідженнях гальмівної синаптичної передачі в культурі нейронів гіпокампа / О. Markova, A. Stepanyuk, T. Tsugorka, Y. Drebot, V. Cherkas, P. Belan // Нейрофизиология. - 2005. - 37, № 4. - С. 379-388. - Библиогр.: 31 назв. - англ.

At present, there are no direct methods to determine the number of synaptic receptor-related channels activated in the course of synaptic transmission (N) or a value of the single-channel conductance (<$E gamma>). Peak-scaled nonstationary fluctuation analysis (PS NSFA) should be considered the most well-developed indirect approach used for estimating these parameters. Despite relatively wide using of this approach for the analysis of various synaptic currents, some aspects of possible errors that can arrive in the course of data acquisition or their subsequent processing have not been studied. We examined in detail the problem of applicability of PS NSFA in the studies of spontaneous and evoked GABA-ergic inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs). IPSCs were recorded using a dual patch-clamp technique from hippocampal neurons growing in low-density cultures. Parameters of the recorded IPSCs and values for different components of GABA-ergic synaptic transmission reported earlier were used for simulations and PS-NSFA analysis. In Monte Carlo computer simulations of evoked IPSCs, influences of the series resistance, background noise, asynchronicity of transmitter release, GABAA channel properties, dendritic attenuation, and instrumental filtering on <$E gamma> estimates obtained by PS NSFA were examined. We concluded that the <$E gamma> and, consequently, N may be satisfactorily estimated by the suggested approach using spontaneous and evoked IPSCs recorded in inhibitory synaptic connections in hippocampal cultures within a wide range of the experimental conditions. We also estimated the mean of the single-channel

condductance of synaptic GABAA receptors in neurons from primary hippocampal cuitures and found that this value (<$E 29~symbol С~5> pS) agrees well with a high conductance of single synaptic GABAA receptors observed in acute hoppocampal slices. This indicates that dissociated cultures are an adequate good model for the studies of properties of synaptic GABAA receptors.

Ключ. слова: single-channel conductance, peak-scaled nonstationary fluctuation analysis, inhibitory postsynaptic currents, hippocampus
Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Е60*739.177.522


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