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Остапенко Н.  
Размерный эффект в спектрах флуоресценции полисиланов, внедренных в мезопористые материалы / Н. Остапенко, Н. Котова, Г. Тельбиз, С. Суто, А. Ватанабэ // Физика низ. температур. - 2004. - 30, № 6. - С. 658-665. - Библиогр.: 26 назв. - рус.

The fluorescence and excitation spectra (<$E T> = 5 - 150 K) of silicon-organic photoconductors (PDHS) and (PMPS) embedded into mesoporous materials MSM-41 and SBA-15 with pore diameters of 2,8 and 5,8 nm, respectively, have been investigated. It is shown that the spectra of the nanostructured polymers depend on pore diameters and differ essentially from those of the bulk film. New fluorescence bands of 410 and 460 nm maxima were observed for the first time in the visible region of the spectra of PDNS and PMPS, respectively, embedded into the pores of 2,8 nm. The new fluorescence bands are supposed to be connected with the defect states formed due to the essential change of the conformation of the polymer chains near the pore surface. The change in the polymer chains symmetry near such defects gives rise to a new band in the excitation spectrum of PDHS at 300 nm. The defect nature of the new fluorescence bands is confirmed by the temperature investigations and the disappearance of these bands with an increase of the pore diameters up to 5,8 nm.

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