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Drebot I. I. 
An unexpected effect of capsaicin on spontaneous GABA-ergic IPSCs in hippocampal cell cultures = Неочікуваний вплив капсаїцину на спонтанні ГАМК-ергічні гальмуючі постсинаптичні струми в культурі клітин гіпокампа / I. I. Drebot, M. V. Storozhuk, P. G. Kostyuk // Нейрофизиология. - 2006. - 38, № 4. - С. 364-367. - Библиогр.: 9 назв. - англ.

Vanilloid receptors 1 (VRs1) expressed in a subpopulation of sensory neurons and responsible for processing of chemical and thermal noxious stimuli were also shown to be expressed in several cerebral structures and to be involved in the regulation of glutamatergic synaptic transmission. In this study, we started to investigate a possibility that VRs1 are also involved in the regulation of GABA-ergic synaptic transmission. For this purpose, the effect of a VR1 agonist, capsaicin, on spontaneous GABA-ergic inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs) was studied in hippocampal cell cultures using a patch-clamp technique. It was found that capsaicin (10 <$E mu>M) decreased both the frequency and amplitude of spontaneous IPSCs. This finding suggests the involvement of VRs1 in the regulation of neuronal firing in some GABA-ergic interneurons and in the modulation of the efficacy of GABA-ergic synaptic transmission. However, considering the direction of the effect (a decrease in the IPSC frequency) and lack of its desensitization, the involvement of other receptor(s) also cannot currently be ruled out.

Ключ. слова: capsaicin, GABA-ergic transmission, hippocampus, cultured neurons, vanilloid receptors
Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Е60*739.177.522


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