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Gordiyenko O. I. 
Effect of low concentrations of chlorpromazine on human erythrocyte distribution by spherical index and on time period of hypotonic hemolysis / O. I. Gordiyenko, S. E. Kovalenko, V. S. Kholodnyy, E. V. Davydova, E. O. Gordiyenko // Вісн. Харк. нац. ун-ту. Біофіз. вісн. - 2007. - Вип. 18. - С. 61-64. - Библиогр.: 7 назв. - англ.

The possible consequences of chlorpromazine (CP) effect at low concentrations after its incorporation into erythrocyte membranes were analysed. Erythrocyte distribution by spherical index and the rate of hemolysis in hypotonic medium were studied in 0,125 mM and 0,25 mM CP. The investigation showed the non-uniform response of erythrocytes from different donors to CP introduced into suspension. Samples were divided into two groups according tо their reaction to CP. In the first group of donors the CP introduction invoke full or partial shift of the distribution curves towards larger values of spherical index. In the second group CP introduction resulted in the rise of cell density in low spherical index interval. Thus the interaction of amphiphile substances with a membrane bilayer can evoke controversial effects. One of the possible effects of CP is intercalation of alkyl regions into the membrane bilayer. This can lead to an increase of membrane surface. On the other hand amphiphile incorporation into lipid bilayer can lead to the formation of inverted micelles. In this case the membrane surface diminishes comparing to the native one at the expense of transition of a part of membrane material to the described phase. Thus both the phenomena of stretching and constriction of membrane surface are equally probable in the studied CP concentration interval and depend on the population state of a donor.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Е70*732.241


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