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Prokhorov V. G. 
Magnetic and transport properties driven by lattice strain in La0,7Ca0,3MnO3/BaTiO3 and La0,7Sr0,3MnO3/BaTiO3 bilayered films / V. G. Prokhorov, V. A. Komashko, G. G. Kaminsky, K. K. Yu, S. J. Jun, S. Y. Park, J. S. Park, Y. P. Lee, V. L. Svetchnikov // Физика низ. температур. - 2007. - 33, № 1. - С. 78-87. - Библиогр.: 50 назв. - англ.

The microstructure and the magnetic and transport properties of La0,7Ca0,3MnO3 and La0,7Sr0,3MnO3 films deposited on а BaTiO3 layer (LCMO/BTO and LSMO/BTO) and on a LaAlO3 (001) single crystal (LCMO/LAO and LSMO/LAO) by rf-magnetron sputtering using "soft" (or powder) targets are investigated. The films grown on BTO demonstrate biaxial tensile in-plane and compressive out-of-plane strains, while the films grown on LAO, in contrast, manifest compressive in-plane and tensile out-of-plane strains. The films with biaxial tensile in-plane lattice strain undergo the magnetic transition at a higher temperature than that for the biaxial compressive case. This argues that the Mn - O - Mn bond-angle variation, controlled by the lattice strain, plays a more important role in the formation of the spin ordering than the attendant modification of the Mn - O bond length. It was shown that the magnetic inhomogeneity, expressed by a significant difference between the field-cooled and zero-field-cooled temperature-dependent magnetization, has a metallurgical rather than an electronic nature, and is controlled by the crystal lattice distortion and the microstructure defects. The observed enhancement of the magnetoresistance effect in the LSMO/BTO bilayer at room temperature make this object greatly beneficial in the development of new hybrid ferromagnetic/ferroelectric devices.

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