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Chornyi V. V. 
Self-field compensation of high-current REB transported by gradient drift in azimuthal magnetic field / V. V. Chornyi, G. V. Tsepilov, A. I. Frolov, V. N. Dubina, V. S. Solovyov, A. V. Chornyi // Вісн. Харк. нац. ун-ту. Сер. фіз. "Ядра, частинки, поля". - 2007. - N 763, вип. 1. - С. 93-96. - Библиогр.: 3 назв. - англ.

The research on the basic physical factors influencing the compensation of self-fields of a high-current electron beam transported in azimuthal magnetic field using gradient drift was conducted. The magnetic field was produced by the current carrying conductor placed on the beam axis. The beam self-field compensation is provided by the plasma produced by the electron beam when it is injected into some rarified gas. It was shown, that under conditions of the experiments carried out by the authors, the transversal magnetic field considerably reduced the electron beam compensation degree. On the whole, the obtained results confirm the general concepts of the physical processes occurring in the beam-produced plasma when the beam is injected into some rarified gas. So, when solving some technical tasks associated with effective transport of a high-current relativistic electron beam, the parameters of the electron beam and those of the transport channel are to be matched carefully.

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