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Rubshtein A. P. 
Structure of CNx films (<$E bold {0~symbol Г~x~symbol Г~0,5}>) deposited by arc sputtering of graphite / A. P. Rubshtein, I. Sh. Trakhtenberg, E. G. Volkova, A. B. Vladimirov, V. A. Yugov, A. G. Gontar, V. N. Tkach // Сверхтвердые материалы. - 2007. - № 3. - С. 20-25. - Библиогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

The structure of a-C and CNx coatings 1 - 3 <$E mu> thick deposited on metal substrates by arc-pulse sputtering of graphite target in nitrogen background at <$E roman P~=~(10 sup -2~-~5)> Pa was studied by transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Concentration and depth distribution of nitrogen in CNx depend on progressive saturation of graphite target. Nitrogen-free coatings (x = 0) consist of amorphous matrix with multiwalled nanotubes. Structure of carbon nitride coatings depends on nitrogen concentration. Over the range of <$E C sub roman N "/" C sub roman C~<<~0,15> and <$E C sub roman N "/" C sub roman C~>>~0,4> CNx coatings are amorphous. The structure of <$E {roman CN} sub {0,15~<<~x~<<~0,4}> is a mixture of two types of amorphous domains, one of which is decorated by microcrystalline inclusions. The same structured inclusions were found on graphite target modified by electric arc. The obtained results allow understanding the dependence of the <$E {roman CN} sub {0~symbol Г~x~symbol Г~0,5}> coatings properties on nitrogen concentration.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: К663.5-18


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