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Bykov A. I. 
X-ray emission and photoelectron spectroscopy studies of interaction of nanocrystalline TiN and TiB2 after high-pressure sintering / A. I. Bykov, I. I. Timofeeva, A. V. Kovalev, L. P. Isayeva, A. V. Ragulya, Ya. V. Zaulychny, O. Yu. Khyzhun // Физика и техника высоких давлений. - 2007. - 17, № 1. - С. 32-41. - Библиогр.: 25 назв. - англ.

A few samples of nanocrystalline TiN - TiB2 ceramics were synthesized by high-pressure (3,0 GPa) and high-temperature (t = 1300 - 1500 <$E symbol Р>C) sintering a mixture of TiN and TiB2 nanopowders (80 wt. % TiN and 20 wt. % TiB2) and the microhardness of the samples was determined. Peculiarities of the chemical bonding of the TiN - TiB2 ceramics possessing the highest microhardness among the samples under consideration, mainly <$E 29,65~symbol С~0,90> GPa, were studied in the present work using the X-ray emission and photoelectron spectroscopy methods. The X-ray emission spectra reflecting the energy distribution of the valence electronic states of the constituents (the N <$E K alpha> (N 2p-like states), В <$E K alpha> (B 2p-like states), Ti <$E L alpha> (valence Ti s,d-like states) and Ti <$E K beta sub 5> (Ti 4p-like states) bands) were measured for the mentioned ceramics and for the initial mixture of TiN and TiB2 nanopowders. For the above substances the X-ray photoelectron core-level binding energies were evaluated as well. It has been established that, when synthesizing the nanocrystalline TiN - TiB2 ceramics from the initial mixture of TiN and TiB2 nanopowders, the half-widths of the X-ray emission Ti <$E L alpha> and Ti <$E K beta sub 5> bands decrease by (0,5 - 0,6) <$E symbol С> 0,2 eV.

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