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Жучков С. М. 
Инновационные технологии сортопрокатного производства = The innovation technologies of section rolling production / С. М. Жучков, А. П. Лохматов // Наука та інновації. - 2008. - 4, № 1. - С. 49-60. - Библиогр.: 16 назв. - рус.

The examples of solving of different technical problems of production based on using of reserve of drawing frictional forces in deformation zones of working stands of rolling mills are given. It is shown, that using non-driving deformation facilities in lines of section rolling mills one can solve relevant production problems. The innovation technologies, which are created to rise the productivity of existing section and wire rolling miils, to increase their variety, to switch of source material stock with bigger section, to reduction of energy consumption on heating of raw stocks and to make rolling without essential expenses on technical reequipment. It is shown that during the construction of new mills, flow charts with enhanced outtake ability conduce to reduction of rolling mill overall dimensions and installing equipment mass at the expense of both decreasing working stands number and decreasing of their mass and mass of equipment of their driver lines and also at the expense of production floor space for main equipment. It allows disinvestment during creation of new production capacities.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: К621.3


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