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Bondarenko A. V. 
Creep and depinning of vortices in nontwinned YBa2Cu3O6,87 single crystal / A. V. Bondarenko, A. A. Zavgorodniy, D. A. Lotnik, M. A. Obolenskii, R. V. Vovk, Y. Biletskiy // Физика низ. температур. - 2008. - 34, № 7. - С. 645-652. - Библиогр.: 41 назв. - англ.

We present the results of transport study of vortex dynamics in YBa2Cu3O6,87 crystals in the magnetic field H||c. In low magnetic fields, <$E H~<<~4> kOe, the measurements were performed in the range of vortex velocities <$E nu~=~10 sup -4~-~2> m/s, which covers thermal creep and flux flow modes. The pinning force <$E F sub p> nonmonotonically depends on magnetic field in both modes, though low-field minimum in the <$E F sub p (H)> curve shifts to higher fields with increased velocity <$E nu>, that is interpreted as partial ordering the vortex lattice. The increase of the pinning force <$E F sub p> upon increasing the field, which is observed in the flux flow mode in fields <$E H~symbol У~3> kOe, is interpreted by presence of finite transverse barriers. The barriers result in preserving the entangled vortex solid phase for the above-barrier vortex motion along the action of the Lorentz force. We also show that field variation of the depinning current has a single maximum, while field variation of the pinning force inside deep creep mode has two maxima. Appearance of two maxima is associated with nonmonotonous field variation of the activation energy <$E U sub roman pl>, which corresponds to plastic vortex creep mediated by motion of the dislocations.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В368.313


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