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Prokhorov V. G. 
Magnetic proximity effect in La0,7Ca0,3MnO3/La0,9Ca0,1MnO3 multilayered film with diffusive interfaces / V. G. Prokhorov, G. G. Kaminsky, Y. P. Lee, S. Y. Park, Y. H. Hyun, J. S. Park, V. L. Svetchnikov // Физика низ. температур. - 2008. - 34, № 9. - С. 942-946. - Библиогр.: 19 назв. - англ.

The structural, the magnetic and the transport properties of La0,7Ca0,3MnO3/La0,9Ca0,1MnO3 multilayer film, prepared by rf-magnetron sputtering, have been investigated. The high-resolution electron-microscopy studies reveal the formation of different crystal structures in the constituent sublayers, but without sharp and well-defined interfaces. At the same time, the small regions of double-period modulated phase exist in the La0,9Ca0,1MnO3 sublayers at room temperature, manifesting the formation of charge-ordered antiferromagnetic state. The magnetic measurements reveal a significant enhancement of the ferromagnetic ordering in the La0,9Ca0,1MnO3 layers due to a strong magnetic coupling between the constituent sublayers. The multilayer film shows the anisotropic saturation magnetization at low temperature and the alternating shape of the temperature-dependent anisotropic magnetoresistance near the metal - insulator transition.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В379.273 + К202.6


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