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Gerasimenko V. I. 
Approaches to derivation of quantum kinetic equations = Підходи до виводу квантових кінетичних рівнянь / V. I. Gerasimenko // Укр. фіз. журн. - 2009. - 54, № 8/9. - С. 834-846. - Библиогр.: 21 назв. - англ.

We discuss possible approaches to the problem of the rigorous derivation of quantum kinetic equations from the underlying manyparticle dynamics. For the description of a many-particle evolution, we construct solutions of the Cauchy problems of the BBGKY hierarchy and the dual BBGKY hierarchy in suitable Banach spaces. In the framework of the conventional approach to the description of a kinetic evolution, the mean-field asymptotics of the quantum BBGKY hierarchy solution is constructed. We develop also alternative approaches. One method is based on the construction of the asymptotics of a solution of the initial-value problem of the quantum dual BBGKY hierarchy. One more approach is based on the generalized quantum kinetic equation that is a consequence of the equivalence of the Cauchy problems of such evolution equation and the BBGKY hierarchy with initial data determined by the one-particle density operator.

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