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Gordon E. B. 
Catalysis of impurities coalescence by quantized vortices in superfluid helium with nanofilaments formation / E. B. Gordon, Y. Okuda // Физика низ. температур. - 2009. - 35, № 3. - С. 278-283. - Библиогр.: 14 назв. - англ.

The dramatic effect of quantized vortices in superfluid helium on the rate of coalescence of suspended impurities has been predicted; such catalytic process should result in formation of fiber-like structures having primarily nanothickness. That should be valid for any impurity and it may be used as a base for the universal method of nanowires and nanotubes producing. The experiments on molecular hydrogen imbedding into liquid helium supported these conclusions. They showed that: in normal liquid He the coalescence led to formatting spherical microparticles carried by turbulent motion of a liquid; in the superfluid only very long filaments were observed, they behaved as quantized vortices should do. These filaments are fiber-like hydrogen crystals and they survived liquid helium transition to normal state. The promises for using this phenomenon in basic and applied sciences have been outlined.

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