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Krivoglaz M. A. 
States of electrons near the phase transition point and in disordered systems / M. A. Krivoglaz // Укр. фіз. журн. - 2008. - 53, спец. вип. - С. 185-192. - Библиогр.: 6 назв. - англ.

We consider a possibility of the localization of an electron near a region of the second phase which is non-equilibrium at the given temperature. We study the conditions for such stationary formations, phasons, that are thermodynamically favorable and take place in systems where first-order phase transitions are possible, to appear. Characteristics of macroscopic phasons in cases of the non-pyroelectric, pyroelectric, and metal second phases are determined. The possibility of the appearance of regions of the second phase with several localized electrons is considered. It is noted that the formation of phasons must lead to a sharp modification of electronic and some other parameters of the substance. The formations of a more general type, in which an electron is localized near the area with a variable internal parameter, are also considered. Such areas are unstable fluctuations if an electron is absent, but are stabilized due to the electron energy. The appearance of such stable macroscopic formations, fluctuons, is studied for the cases of disordered solutions and ideal paramagnetic materials with spin S = 1/2. The existence of fluctuons (or phasons) with large radius becomes possible owing to a non-linear dependence of the thermodynamic potential on the corresponding internal parameter at reasonably large values of the ratio between the binding energy and kT. The radius of a fluctuon and its energy parameters are determined.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В377.1 + В377.33


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